13th World Congress for
Hair Research
April 6-9, 2024
The American Hair Research Society together with the sister societies of the International Federation of Hair Research Societies gathered in Dallas to be enlightened by the TOTAL ECLIPSE of hair science.
Continuing the tradition set by the international hair research societies, the Congress was a comprehensive, international hair research meeting for the advancement of knowledge in hair growth, hair and scalp disease, and clinical care.
Over four days, attendees participated in many sessions focusing on all areas of hair science. We celebrated the bringing together of international colleagues who presented on new research, share experiences, and discussed new directions.

Thank you for joining us at the WCHR2024! We had a successful Congress and are happy to share that the clouds parted and we were able to see the total solar eclipse! Photos are now available for attendees and exhibitors. We will soon post a press release here.
This special location on these specific dates was selected to coincide with the total solar eclipse that will occur on April 8, 2024, across the Americas.
Viewing a total solar eclipse is a special and unique experience. Dallas, Texas, was one of the major cities in the path of totality, and had have one of the longest totality durations of all cities with 3 minutes and 46 seconds of totality.

April 8, 2024
International Federation of Hair Research Societies

The International Federation of Hair Research Societies (IFHRS) is an international board of the representatives of its member societies. Its main activities include overseeing the rotation of the prestigious World Congress for Hair Research (WCHR), publishing its biannual newsletter which includes meeting summaries and other activities of its member societies, and publishing other articles on the history of hair research. It is in the process of creating an international website to serve as a hub, and it endeavors to coordinate on research projects and assist with support for those in training in hair research.
IFHRS Member Societies
American Hair Research Society
Australasian Hair and Wool Research Society
Chinese Hair Research Society
European Hair Research Society
Korean Hair Research Society
Russian Hair Research Society
Society for Hair Science and Research
Ukrainian Hair Research Society
The first world congress occurred in 1995 and takes place every 2-3 years, rotating the globe, hosted by one of the member societies of the IFHRS.