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Fees and Categories


A person who is a member of any of the International Federation of Hair Research Societies sister societies. View the list of all sister societies here. Note: Membership will be verified.

Regular and Onsite Registration
Rate:(After March 14, 2024)
$880 USD


Physicians, hair researchers, persons from related societies and specialties.

Regular and Onsite Registration
Rate:(After March 14, 2024)
$1,080 USD

Medical Student/Resident/Postdoc

Must provide proof of enrollment as a full-time medical student, resident, or postdoc with either student identification card or letter from the university, via email to info@americanhairresearchsociety.org. Without this, the full registration fee will be charged.

Regular and Onsite Registration
Rate:(After March 14, 2024)
$400 USD


Individuals from industry who wish to attend the scientific sessions and full congress.

Regular and Onsite Registration
Rate:(After March 14, 2024)
$2,000 USD